We are a member of the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East)

1. How Can We Know God? – The Bible

We believe that the Bible was written by those inspired by God, that as such the sixty-six books of Old and New Testaments comprise the entire Word of God; that there is no error in them, and so they are to be the absolute authority by which all behaviour, thoughts, and beliefs should be tested.

 2. Who Is God? – Father, Son, & Holy Spirit

We believe that there is only one true and living God; that He is an infinite, eternal, unchangeable, intelligent creator being, and therefore worthy of all praise.

We believe in the unity of the Godhead; that there are three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; that these three persons are equal, but have distinct roles in the great work of God’s salvation.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; that he was fully God from eternity; that through the incarnation he took upon himself human nature, yet was without sin; that he was born of the virgin Mary; that he lived a perfect life; that he was put to death by crucifixion and then buried; that on the third day he was physically resurrected from the dead; that he ascended into heaven, and is now seated in heaven at God’s right hand.

3. Who Are We? – The Fall & Its Consequences 

We believe that God created humankind in his likeness; that men and women were created equally; that they lived in original righteousness, and were made to enjoy a relationship with Him.

We believe, however, that through Adam and Eve’s deliberate disobedience, all humanity fell from that happy state, and that, as a consequence, all men and women are by nature ruled by sin, commit evil acts, and are incapable of regaining that right standing before God by their own effort.

We believe, as a result, that all humanity lives under the just condemnation of God, in hostility towards Him, and in isolation from Him; and that after death all will consequently face judgement.

4. How Are We Saved? – God’s Work Of Salvation, Justification, Conversion, & Election

We believe that the salvation of any sinner results from God’s free grace through Christ, who lived righteously, and died, making full atonement with God for our sin, and therefore taking God’s wrath upon himself; and that now, having risen from the dead, he is in every way qualified to be our all-sufficient Saviour.

We believe that salvation cannot be earned, but that those who repent and trust solely in Christ are justified by His death, and therefore receive from God: a certain pardon from all sin (past, present, or future), Christ’s righteousness, the promise of eternal life, and the assurance of peace and favour with God.

We believe that in order for sinners to be saved they must be born again; that this regeneration consists of a renewing of the mind, brought about by the Holy Spirit, so that a believer might display the fruits of true repentance, faith, and new life.

We believe that the blessings of salvation are free to anyone, and that this decision is consistent with God’s good and eternal purposes in electing those he chooses to save.

5. How Is Our Salvation Evidenced? – Assurance, Confidence, Repentance, & Faith

We believe that the Holy Spirit enters a Christian and makes His dwelling in them; and that His presence brings an assurance of salvation, a confidence of adoption into God’s family, and a guarantee of eternal life in the age to come; and that consequently those who are saved display genuine repentance and publically profess their faith in Christ.

6. How Are We Changed? – Our Response To God’s Work Of Sanctification

We believe that Christians, through the Holy Spirit’s work, are subject to a wonderful transformation; and that while Christians will never be entirely free from sin in this present life, they will experience a gradual growth in Christ-likeness, as they work to put to death sinful desires, and produce fruits of the Spirit.

7. Where Are We All Headed? – The Return Of Christ, And The Reality Of Heaven & Hell

We believe that, at a time unknown to any but God himself, Christ will return in great power, from heaven, to bring this world and this current age to an end; that the dead shall be raised, and that all men and women shall be judged by him.

We believe that a solemn separation will then take place, and that those who have not repented and have rejected Christ shall be condemned to eternal punishment in Hell, but that His people shall dwell eternally in the presence of God, reigning with Christ in his new kingdom.

8. Who Are God’s People? – The Church (Universal And Local)

We believe that the universal Church is the body of which Christ is the head, and to which all who are saved belong; that it is made visible in local churches, which are organised gatherings of Christians who meet together regularly, are united by faith, and are committed with one another for the worship of God (through the preaching of the Word and the administration of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper), pastoral care, and evangelism.

We believe that meaningful fellowship between local churches exists when there is evident faithfulness to the Gospel.

9. Who Leads The Local Church? – The Congregation, The Elders, & The Deacons

We believe that, under the authority of Christ and His Word, the gathered congregation as a whole has final authority to admit and dismiss members, appoint and remove leaders, and establish the doctrinal and moral standards of church fellowship.

We believe that a local church should be led by a plurality of suitably gifted Elders and served by Deacons, who, for the sake of unity, and for the support of the ministry of the Word, are to care for particular needs arising in the life of the church.

10. What Are The Signs Of Belonging To The Local Church? – Baptism & The Lord’s Supper

We believe that the local church administers the two signs of grace established by Christ – Baptism and Lord Supper; Baptism being the immersion into water of a believer into the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, which illustrates publically their repentance and faith, and their forgiveness, union with Christ, new life, and the gift of the Holy Spirit; and the Lord’s Supper being the meal whereby the local church together reaffirms its faith by proclaiming the death, resurrection, and return of Christ; and that as a result they must also exercise a discipline, as may become necessary, against any member whose life or doctrine renders their profession of faith in Christ incredible, in order that they might be brought back to repentance and faith, and so that the name of Christ might be protected.

11. How Are God’s People To Live In The World? – Carefully Obeying Civil Government

We believe that God’s people are to live carefully in the world, as they seek to bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ; and that they are to obey the Civil Government, which is established by God, for the interest of society; and that these leaders are to be prayed for and obeyed; except only in things directly opposed to God’s will, as revealed in the Bible.

12. How Are God’s People To Live As A Family? – The Loving Husband & The Gracious Wife 

We believe that the husband and wife are equal before God, since both were created in God’s image; that the marriage between man and woman models the way God relates to his people; therefore, that the Christian husband is to love his wife as dearly as Christ loved the Church, providing for her, protecting her, and leading his family well; and that the Christian wife is to submit herself graciously to the loving servant-hearted leadership of her husband, as the Church willingly submits to the headship of Christ.